Acting and animation: Ksenija Ponikvar, Mateja Šušteršič
Story by Jana Milčinski, adapted by Andrej Adamek
Director, set designer, music: Andrej Adamek
Puppets made by: Mateja Šušteršič, Andrej Adamek
Puppets painted by: Neva Vrba
Set design painted by: Tina Grabar
Production: Lutkovno gledališče Tri in cooperation with Lutkovna skupina Bobek
Who’s afraid of Fear? Why should we be afraid of it if it’s not real? Or is it? Everyone is afraid of something, even the bear, the rabbit, the cat and the mouse. Let’s ask ourselves: do we carry fear inside of us or is it around us?
Duration: 35 minutes; suitable for children over 3 years of age.