The programme of Art camp from June 26 to July 11, 2015
◊ Organiser: Vojka Miklavc
Ethnology and heritage! Cultures of the world and our own. Music and instruments, dances, languages, customs, old trades, toys, games ... Let’s get to know each other and the world through presentations and workshops.
We speak different languages, have different manners, habits, treasures ... Explore the world, get to know other people!
Folkart camp – folk village in Art Camp
29. VI.–3. VII., 16.00–20.00
◊ Alenka Klemenčič, Folkart, Nevenka Kovačič, Javni sklad RS za kulture dejavnosti
Greetings from other countries – get to know other cultures through international guests
29. VI.–3. VII., 16.00–20.00
How to greet and say goodbye in other languages, how to celebrate? Come and explore Kenia, Salvador, Colombia, Tunisia, India, China, Greece, Pakistan, Laost, Algeria, Japan, Turkey, Yemen, Sri Lanka, and Germany.
◊ Anesta Barnett, international guests, Ruski center v Mariboru, Tea Arvaj, Zavod MARS Maribor
Games and toys of the world – workshop: making games and toys and playing with them
29. VI.–11. VII., 10.00–13.00, 16.00–20.00
◊ Tjaša Selič, Staša Štajnpihler, Vita Repolusk, Velenjski raziskovalni studio Venera
Wooden toys and mind games
29. VI.–11. VII., 10.00–13.00, 16.00–20.00
◊ Franc Pahovnik
◊ Organiser: Danilo Ivanuša, Inštitut S.U.R.F.
◊ Danilo Ivanuša, Okuspokus! Čarobna kuhinja/Inštitut S.U.R.F. in gosti: Ica Krebar – Makrobiotika v vsakdanjem življenju, Matjaž Kološa – Matjaževa kuharija, Ana Zajelšnik – Sladkiš, Za živali! – Vegansko društvo, Maruša Jurc – Babičine skrivnosti, Karmen Trs – Adam in tortica, INŠTITUT S.U.R.F/SURF FOOD: Jernej Zver – Galerija okusov, Žiga Kelih – Hrustljava peka, Erni Padevski – Slastni medenjaki, Martin Rojnik – Fermentacija in zdravje, Nina Taufer & Danilo Ivanuša – Čarobna kuhinja po špansko, Polona Leben Mitev in Aleksander Mitev Leben
SLOVENIAN DELIGHTS – presentations, degustation and workshops
29. VI.–11. VII., 16.00–20.00
◊ Zlati Ghee, Chilli King, Tartufo Prestige, Kmetija Banfi, Adam in tortica, Inštitut Zelena direktiva
◊ Organiser: Alja Krofl
»Art ripens« awakens the young with the help of the visual arts world. On a green meadow it opens the door to imagination, gives the opportunity to experiment with different techniques under the mentorship of experienced mentors. In an environment full of inspiration you can create with natural and recycled materials, draw and paint with a palette of rainbow colours, sculpt clay, wood and stone, catch images through the lens and create your own timeless space. You can exhibit your work in the gallery under the trees.
little FINE ARTS – workshops
29.VI.–11.VII., 10.00–13.00 and 16.00–20.00
◊ Biljana Mujović, Violeta Jolić, Hana Repše, Zavod MARS Maribor
Waldorf workshops – delavnica izdelave kronic
3.VII., 16.00–20.00 and 4.VII., 10.00–13.00 in 16.00–20.00
◊ Waldorf kindergarten Maribor – Rainbow land
Groups are fun! Together we are stronger.
Set design – making and putting up the Art camp scene
29.VI.–11.VII., 10.00–13.00 and 16.00–20.00
◊ Alja Krofl, Neva Vrba, Zavod MARS Maribor
Repair shop – recycling workshop
29.VI.–3. VII., 16.00–20.00
◊ Miro Kramberger, Lan Falež
The dome is reaching for the sky – sculpturing installation
29.VI.–3.VII., 16.00–20.00
◊ Borut Popenko, Bruno Planinc
◊ Organiser: Vesna Gomboc
◊ Librarian: Aleš Pogorevčnik
Explore the wealth of written word and discover various literary genres from all around the world. You can read books or bring your own and trade it for another one. While listening to fairy tales experience your body through different yoga exercises for kids and adults.
Book flea market
29.VI.–11.VII., 10.00–20.00
◊ Zavod MARS Maribor
Bookcrossing – travelling books
29. VI.–11. VII., 10.00–20.00
◊ Zavod MARS Maribor
Silent book – making a giant book from fabric
29. VI.–11. VII., 10.00–13.00, 16.00–20.00
◊ Zavod MARS Maribor
Public jam strip – comic workshop
29. VI.–11. VII., 10.00–20.00
◊ Zavod MARS Maribor
Our little library – presentation of Sodobnost publishing house
1.–3.VII., 16.30–19.00
◊ Založba Sodobnost, Simona Kopinšek
Sanje publishing house
3.–5. VII., 16.00–20.00
◊ Založba Sanje
Sodobnost publishing house
3.–11. VII., 16.00–20.00
◊ Založba Sodobnost
One world – many stories
29. VI.–3. VII., 19.30
◊ Anesta Barnett, guests of The Beat of Culture
◊ Organiser: Mišel Vugrinec
Games, senses and mingling with nature
29. VI.–10. VII., 10.00–13.00, 16.00–20.00
Scout stories
29. VI.–3. VII., 16.00–20.00
◊ Društvo tabornikov rod XI. SNOUB Miloša Zidanška
◊ Organiser: Mišel Vugrinec
CHALLENGE – INVENTION takes you from small but interesting things under microscope lenses to the stars. It challenges you to try out the roles of model makers, physicists and scientists, robot makers, aspiring biologists, messy chemists or dreamy astronomers.
Chat with little animals
29. VI.–10. VII., 10.00–13.00, 16.00–20.00
Presentation of organisations
29. VI.–10. VII., 16.00–20.00
◊ Zelena iniciativa, Zadruga Dobrina, Konopko, Bonatura, Društvo Zelena steza, Focus-društvo za sonaraven razvoj, Greenpeace Slovenija, Center eksperimentov Maribor
◊ Organiser: Vesna Gomboc
Roots of the heart are treasures, an inner richness of people who help where help is needed most. A presentation of humanitarian and voluntary NGOs in the field of social affairs, health and education.
◊ Slovenska filantropija, Društvo Salezijanski mladinski center Maribor, Dom upokojencev Danice Vogrinec, VDC Polž Maribor, Društvo gluhih in naglušnih Podravja, Svet invalidov MOM, Dom pod Gorco d.o.o., Društvo študentov medicine Maribor, ZOOPI, Zavod za otrokom in okolju prijazno igro, Društvo paraplegikov severne Štajerske – Maribor, ZUDV Dobrna, ŠENT – CDZS Podravska regija enota ŠENTLENT, Pekarna magdalenske mreže, Frekvenca – Socialno-kulturno združenje nemirnih in aktivnih, društvo Mladi Romi – Terne Roma, Center za socialno delo Maribor, Materinski dom Maribor in Svetovalnica za žrtve nasilja in zlorab Maribor, Razigrana cerkev, Ozara, Hiša Sadeži družbe Murska Sobota, Društvo TOTI DCA Maribor, Društvo za razvoj kreativnosti in potencialov Portret, Društvo za kakovost življenja Sena, Humanitarno društvo Križemrok, URI Soča, Center za poklicno rehabilitacijo Maribor, Društvo Odličnost, Zavod Franko Maribor, Društvo za kakovost življenja Jivana, Humanitarno združenje za pomoč ljudem Žvižgač
29. VI.–1.VII., 16.00–20.00
1., 3., 4., 8. VII., 16.00–20.00
◊ Organiser: Hana Repše
Let's talk about dog training
3., 4. VII., 16.00–20.00
3. VII., 17.00 Why to train your dog?
◊ AlfaKan, Zavod za vzgojo in šolanje psov
Dog grooming
3., 4., 10. VII., 16.00-20.00
◊ Pasji salon Miša
◊ Organiser: Jernej Lorbek
The sports program is enabling children to enjoy fun and interesting sport activities in nature. Every day there will be a motoric polygon (crawling, somersaults, jumps), a labyrinth amongst the trees for adventurers, various sports requisites. Elastic rope jumps, Frisbee and vortex, stilts and ballgames (football, volleyball, dodge ball and badminton), along with presentations of different sports and sports competitions.
Presentation of different sports clubs
3. VII., 17.00 Atletsko društvo Štajerska Maribor
◊ Rekreacijsko-ustvarjalno društvo Eleja, Športno in kulturno društvo Capoeira Slovenija, Klub japonskega mečevanja Maribor, Športno društvo Oziris, Veslaški klub Dravske elektrarne Maribor, Akademski sabljaški klub Maribor, Atletsko društvo Štajerska Maribor, Joga za nosečnice in mamice z dojenčki, Društvo za krepitev telesa, uma in duha, Tao In, Fitnes Forma
◊ Organiser: Staša Grilc
We have something for everyone. Young and old, still child at heart, here you can relax your body and fill your soul. Have a relaxing massage, indulge in bioenergy. During the weekends you can also feed and change your baby.
Ooohmmmmm …
Paradise rest
29. VI.–10. VII., 10.00–20.00
◊ Sebastijan Geč, Peter Lončarič, Damijan Jerič (29. VI.–10. VII., 12.00–20.00);
Nika Arnuš (29. VI.–3. VII., 16.00–20.00);
Jasna Erjavec, Mavrično društvo (1. VII., 11.00–15.00; 2. VII., 12.00–17.00; 3. VII., 10.00–14.00; 5. VII. and 6. VII, 14.00–19.00; 9. VII., 11.00–17.00).
29. VI.–10. VII., 16.00–20.00
◊ Gregor Hrovatin
1. VII., 11.00–19.00; 3. VII., 16.00–19.00; 4. VII., 12.00–19.00; 9. VII., 11.00–19.00; 10. VII., 16.00–19.00
◊ Jasna Matjašič, Za Sončke
FEEL YOUR BODY – workout
3. VII., 16.00–20.00; 5. VII., 10.00–16.00
◊ Katja Greif
◊ Organiser: Staša Grilc
29. VI.–11. VII., 10.00–20.00
We inform and entertain. All the time, just for you!
◊ Nina Logar, Staša Grilc, Zavod MARS Maribor